Saturday, March 9, 2013


Last night I couldn't sleep, that isn't uncommon for me when I am away from my own bed. In fact that is how this blog started. I was visiting my son in Liberia and had been to a orphanage that day and couldn't sleep thinking of the orphans I had seen. I got up and blogged about my thoughts. I am in Ecuador now, helping with a remodeling project at Camp Bellevue. It is about 10,000 feet above sea level here and it takes a while to get used to the altitude. I was awake for quite a while last night, but instead of getting up and writing I just thought. Here are those thoughts.

A friend posted a Quote from Margaret Sanger on Facebook. I am not a fan of Margaret, she was a founder of Planned Parenthood. She believed in and promoted Eugenics, if you don't know what that is, think Hitler and master race. Eugenics was practiced in the US in the early 20th century, in an effort to "improve" the population, over 60,000 people were sterilized because they were deemed inferior. Margaret deemed all blacks and yellows inferior. She promoted abortion as a woman's right. "No woman can call herself free unless she controls her own body" was the quote. I got into a discussion about abortion with my friend. I believe abortion to be murder. We wrote back and forth about reasons for abortion, but to me the reason doesn't really matter, the baby isn't guilty no matter the reason. My friend is a good person and I don't know if I persuaded her or not, but I have continued to think about abortion.

I thought about the issue some people have, when is the fetus really human? Some say at birth, however we all know of premature babies that have lived just fine, so babies born before their due date, or because of some trauma are certainly human. Yet abortions have been performed just before a due date. What about viable, we hear when the fetus is viable. With the advancement in medical science that definition would have to be changed every few years, with each new break through. I have done some reading lately on DNA, it is very remarkable stuff. Do you know if we asked a CSI tech to sample DNA from an aborted fetus, they would identify that DNA as human. Not partial, not becoming, not almost, but human. In fact your DNA is the same from conception to death.

Since abortion became legal in the US in 1973 there have been 54,599,612 humans killed by abortion. Hitler is estimated to have killed 20 million people. The communists in Russia killed around 30 million. The all time leader, Mao, is credited with 60 million. In just a few years we will surpass Moa, and become #1. To all my flag waving friends, does that make you proud to be an American? I probably shouldn't say that, but we worry about taxes and deficits, and if we will be able to carry our favorite assault rifle out in public.

In Genesis 4 God says to Cain "Your brother's blood cries out to me from the ground". Imagine how loud the blood of 54,599,612 innocent babies could scream. Many people pray to God to heal our country, but I wonder if He can hear over the screams? Why don't we stop this evil? Oh well, American Idol, or The Bachelor, or maybe a rerun of Seinfeld is on, got to go.

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