Monday, January 3, 2011

Leaving Egypt

Yesterday I challenged the Church to make this a year about leaving Egypt. I don't think I did a very good job. I have been thinking about this general idea for a couple of years, or maybe longer, but I finally came up with what I think is a good metaphor. It is probably foolish to think I could convey everything in a 30 minute talk. My premise is that we have taken on way to much of the "American" culture and think it is Christian.
The Israelites took on too much of the Egyptian culture, even though the two societies didn't intermingle. When they left Egypt many complained and wanted to go back to a repressive society because they could have their leeks and onions. They built a golden calf to worship, an Egyptian god, because they didn't have a good understanding of the true God. God put the Israelites in Egypt to protect them, but they forgot him, but He didn't forget them. The story starts in Genesis 37 with Joseph being sold by his brothers, and continues through the first part of Exodus. It is a fascinating narrative, with many lessons that we could apply, but the main one is how they lost sight of the true God.
Comparing Egypt to the USA was a big stretch for most of my audience, there are obviously some huge differences, but they are both Nations controlled by men. Even though we hear that the USA was founded on Christian principles by Christian men and is a Christian nation, it is still governed by men. Nations have different goals than God. I am not advocating hating America, I feel very blessed to live here. I have served in the US Navy, I vote and pay taxes. I have the means to live anywhere I want and I choose to live here. I should have said that Egypt represents any nation governed by men. I could make the same statement about Canada, Brazil, Spain or China. I think for most of us though it would be easier to see my metaphor if I used North Korea or Iran, but it applies to the USA just as well. In fact because we tend to see our nation as good and right it applies even more. We have accepted "American" principles as "God" principles. Our allegiance should be to God first and foremost, not a flag. We are taught that we have rights, that our government guarantees those rights. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. 50 million unborn Americans have been denied the right of life, liberty is used as license to live immoral lifestyles and happiness is used to justify greed and selfishness. I love America, and it has done some really great things for the world, but I can't worship it over God. Jesus said that you can't serve two masters, the problem is too many people don't see that America and God are not synonymous. I believe that God has blessed America greatly, but He doesn't sanction everything "American", as Christians we must see that, and live as Resident Aliens in what ever country we find ourselves in.
I am not advocating that we withdraw from society and form our own little nation. I'm not really sure what it should look like, I need your thoughts. I suspect that actually it may require us to be more politically active, to stick out like sore thumbs. To be the subject of ridicule, to opt out of the "American dream". Most issues are not easy, when does feeding the homeless become enabling? What of the many great injustices do we spend our energy on? Who should we give grace? Who should we rebuke? I have many more questions than I have answers, but I believe that we must "Leave Egypt" and follow God. Christianity is a journey, not a destination. Jesus asked his disciples to follow him, knowing that they didn't understand, but just that they follow.
Life is not about defending the Faith, it is about living it. Help me out with your comments and prayers.

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